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creation of quizzes with answers and results, questionnaires and quizzes for learning words
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Create quizzes easily and conveniently!

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Create a quiz with pictures, answers and results for free online

create a quiz for free
take the sample quiz

The quiz consists of questions with answers. Points are awarded for answers. At the end, according to the points scored, it is shown the result of the quiz. Ready quiz, if desired, you can publish in the catalog.

Create an advanced quiz like "Who are you from ...?" or "Which option is best?" with pictures, answers and results for free online

create an advanced quiz

An example of such a quiz: "Who are you from ...?" The quiz consists of questions with answers. For answers, points are awarded to certain results. The final result will be the one with the most points.

Create a word memorization quiz free online

Create a quiz to learn words
take the quiz example

Quiz allows you to create your own word-translation list and learn it. It is necessary to choose the correct translation for the output word.

Create a questionnaire for a survey with uploading results for free online

create a survey for free

The poll can contain different types of questions, single choice, multiple choice, sorting by priority, free answer. After filling out the questionnaire and saving the data, it is available to the creator of the questionnaire. Downloadable in csv format.
