моему пупсеночку
чиво то всяческие вопроси для тиглошеньки
1. Население этого города - 500 хомячков.
The population of this town is five hundred hamsters.
The humanity of this town is five hundred hamsters.
The people of this town is five hundred hamsters.
2. Этот хомячок отказывается от сыра, он хочет кукурузу.
This hamster argues cheese, he wants corn.
This hamster refuses cheese, he wants corn.
This hamster disagrees cheese, he wants corn.
3. Щенки устраивают беспорядок в доме и бегают.
Puppies make a dirt in the house and run.
Puppies make a mess in the house and run.
Puppies make a ruin in the house and run.
4. Тигр рычит перед тем как напасть.
A tiger roars before attacking.
A tiger screams before attacking.
A tiger purrs before attacking.
5. Эта тигрица беременна, поэтому она сейчас спит.
This tigress is pregnant, so she is sleeping now.
This tigress is childress, so she is sleeping now.
This tigress is fat, so she is sleeping now.
6. Я дозвонюсь тебе и скажу что тебя люблю.
I'll go through to you and say that I love you.
I'll get through to you and say that I love you.
I'll ring through to you and say that I love you.
7. Я надеюсь ты скажешь что моя пица хорошо приготовлена.
I hope, you'll say that my pizza is tasty-cooked.
I hope, you'll say that my pizza is good-cooked.
I hope, you'll say that my pizza is well-cooked.
8. Я побегу к тебе навстречу, когда мы встретимся.
I'll run to you, when we meet.
I'll run towards you, when we meet.
I'll run along you, when we meet.
9. У твоей лошади очень красивые копыта.
Your horse has very beautiful feet.
Your horse has very beautiful hooves.
Your horse has very beautiful hoof.
10. Ты всегда оберегаешь меня, мой тигленочек.
You always protect me, my sweetheart tiger.
You always safe me, my sweetheart tiger.
You always support me, my sweetheart tiger.