English for tiger's nose.
1. Мы понимаем английский.
We are understanding English.
We understand English.
We understands English.
Do we understand English.
2. Моя мама ходит на работу каждое утро.
My mom is going to work every morning.
My mom go to work every morning.
My mom goes to work every morning.
My mom went to work every morning.
3. Когда твоя бабушка поливает цветы?
When does your grandma water the flowers?
Do when your grandma water the flowers?
When do your grandma water the flowers?
When are your grandma watering the flowers?
4. Наши соседи выгуливают собаку каждый день.
Our neighbors are walking with a dog every day.
Our neighbors walk with a dog every day.
Our neighbors walks with a dog every day.
Our neighbors walked with a dog every day.
5. Как эта женщина обычно работает за ноутбуком?
How do this woman usually work on the laptop?
How does this woman usually work on the laptop?
How is this woman usually working on the laptop?
6. Он часто думает о сосисках.
He often think about sausages.
He often thinks about sausages.
He is often thinking about sausages.
7. Они всегда плавают вместе.
They always swim together.
They are always swiming together.
They always swims together.
8. Этот маленький щенок иногда залазит в холодильник чтобы скушать торт.
This little puppy sometimes climb to the fridge to eat a cake.
This little puppy sometimes climbs to the fridge to eat a cake.
This little puppy is sometimes climbing to the fridge to eating a cake.
9. Никогда не трогайте моё одеяло!
Never touching my blanket!
Never touch my blanket!
Never touches my blanket!
10. Этой енотихе очень нравится цветы.
This racoon like flowers very much.
This racoon likes flowers very much.
This racoon is liking flowers very much.
11. Ты часто ходишь со мной в магазин.
You often go to the store with me.
You often goes to the store with me.
You are often going to the store with me.